"The US public debt could be much higher if unfunded liabilities like Medicare are included," Investment guru Dr. Marc Faber said on 14 Feb 2011 in Bangkok as reported by The Bangkok Post newspaper "There are not many options. The US will need to keep printing money for the time being." Marc Faber explained that he sees gold and silver as wise investments in case of a war in the middle east or elsewhere :
"If there is a war, gold and silver would be desirable investments to hold," he said
"There will be times like the 1990s until 2008 when gold outperformed stocks and vice versa in 2009. But the key is flexibility. We don't know how the world will look in 10 years' time."
"Inflation will be an issue in Asia and the Western world. I think governments around the world will increase interest rates sufficiently to combat inflation." he added..."
at http://marcfaberchannel.blogspot.com/2011/02/marc-faber-inflation-will-dominate.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MarcFaberBlog+%28Marc+Faber+Blog%29
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