Sunday, April 23, 2017

DANGER: Commercial Silver Shorts Just Hit Another New All-Time Record! Plus A Gold Update

"On the heels of gold and silver continuing to consolidate gains, the war in the gold and silver markets continues as the commercial shorts in the silver market just hit a new all-time record!
WARNING: Commercial Silver Shorts Hit All-Time Record (10-year chart)


Here Is Why Moves In The Gold & Oil Markets Are Going To Shock The World

"On the heels of wild few weeks that included a missile attack against Syria and major posturing against North Korea, here is why moves in the gold and oil markets are going to shock the world. 
$100+ Oil And $10,000+ GoldStephen Leeb:  “Gold is looking for a catalyst. It will come when oil, which has stayed stubbornly low as other commodities have strengthened, starts to gallop ahead, setting off further gains in all other commodities. The rise in oil will be an inevitable effect of China’s own growth and its role in developing the entire East.We are headed for a world in which oil’s resistance points will be in three figures, while gold’s will be in four and eventually five figures. But we’re not quite there…"

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Larry Lindsey – What The World Is Now Witnessing Is Unprecedented

"On the heels of the U.S. attack on Syria, the man who served three U.S. presidents and was also a governor of the Federal Reserve, told King World News that what we are now witnessing is unprecedented.
Eric King:  “When you look at the U.S. economy, Larry, there’s a rot that’s underneath it.  John Williams of Shadowstats keeps track of the real unemployment, and when he quantifies it the way they used to in the 1980s it’s around 23%.  We haven’t really seen it come off of that 23% figure yet.
Eric King continues:  “There are a large number of unemployed, especially when you look at the amount of people who aren’t even trying to get work anymore.  So this economy appears phony to many people.  I will give you an example of what we just saw hit the newswire about the auto sector and the crashing prices in the used car market.  When the 2008/2009 collapse happened, we printed all of this money and we borrowed from our future..."

A Loss Of Faith In The American Dream And Why All Roads Lead To China And A New Gold-Backed Monetary System

"On the heels of wild week that included a missile attack against Syria, today one of the top money managers in the world spoke with King World News about a loss of faith in the American dream and why all roads lead to China and a new gold-backed monetary system. 
Stephen Leeb:  “One of the most disquieting reports to come out recently has been that in the U.S. – in contrast to every other developed country – death rates have been rising among middle-aged, largely middle-class whites. At the century’s start, death rates for this demographic were roughly equal in the U.S., France, and Germany. Today death rates in the U.S. are more than 30 percent greater…"