Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Modern Monetary Baloney, Fundamental Values, and the Unaddressed Requirement for Reform

"I agree with David Lindorff in his excellent piece, An Oh Please Moment , that the timing of the SP downgrade of US debt is highly questionable.
"Ya S & P amacıyla ulusal borç hakkında ulusal histeri eklemek, bu uyarı ve sosyal programlara daha radikal kesimler kazanmak güçlü Cumhuriyetçiler ve / veya Wall Street Bankacılar baskısı olmuştur, ya da S & P basitçe yeniden esiyor." "Either S&P has been pressured by powerful Republicans and/or Wall Street Bankers to issue this warning, in order to add to national hysteria about the national debt and win more drastic cuts in social programs, or S&P is simply blowing it again."
Oy yana Acentaları çok açıktır ki ödemek için komut hakkında değerlendirme üreten, bir süredir Wall Street monied çıkarlarının cebinde olmuştur, iki alternatiften hangi doğru aklımda çok az soru var. Since the Ratings Agencies quite obviously have been in the pocket of the Wall Street monied interests for some time now, generating ratings on command for pay, there is much less question in my mind about which of the two alternatives are correct.
The bankers, having obtained huge sums of personal wealth by buying the government and looting the Treasury, are engaged in an aggressive campaign to make sure they can keep their ill gotten gains, without indictment, and pigs that they are, without any of the pain to be obtained from gaming the US financial system in a massive fraud and causing its collapse. Onlar daha fazla vergi avantajları ve halktan dolaylı sübvansiyonlar teşvik ederek onların servet artırırken, alt ve orta sınıflar üzerinde oldukça dürüstçe ve unashamedly ağrıyı doğrudan çalışırlar. They seek to direct that pain quite squarely and unashamedly on the lower and middle classes, while increasing their wealth by promoting even greater tax benefits and indirect subsidies from the public. biri değil kovuşturma suçu yok, her zamankinden daha fazla aşırılıkları failleri emboldens. When one does not prosecute crimes, it emboldens the perpetrators to ever greater excesses..."

at http://jessescrossroadscafe.blogspot.com/

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