"On Monday of this week, September 25th, I participated in the Utah Monetary Summit in Salt Lake City, devoted to discussing the significance of the Utah Legal Tender Act of March 2011, which gave citizens of that state legal right to transact and contract in U.S. gold and silver coins instead of Federal Reserve Notes, as a stepping stone to full choice in currency for the American citizenry.
I have posted on Northwood University’s blog, “In Defense of Capitalism & Human Progress,” the talk that I gave as the closing after dinner speaker at the event, on “Government Controlled Money or Choice in Currency?”
I discuss the disastrous history with government monopoly paper money, especially during the last century, and the importance of people having the right to choose the money they wish to accept, hold and use, both to protect themselves from the government’s abuse of the monetary printing press and as a way to take power away from government to plunder society.
Richard Ebeling"
at http://blog.mises.org/18554/government-monopoly-money-vs-utahs-new-choice-in-currency/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MisesBlog+%28Mises+Economics+Blog%29
I have posted on Northwood University’s blog, “In Defense of Capitalism & Human Progress,” the talk that I gave as the closing after dinner speaker at the event, on “Government Controlled Money or Choice in Currency?”
I discuss the disastrous history with government monopoly paper money, especially during the last century, and the importance of people having the right to choose the money they wish to accept, hold and use, both to protect themselves from the government’s abuse of the monetary printing press and as a way to take power away from government to plunder society.
Richard Ebeling"
at http://blog.mises.org/18554/government-monopoly-money-vs-utahs-new-choice-in-currency/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+MisesBlog+%28Mises+Economics+Blog%29