"The term "Receding Horizons" (just when you think you can touch the pot of gold, it's moved out of reach again), as I first defined years ago with regards to energy, is back; this time in crisis-politics. Just as Europe would need to show a more united front than ever, the gloves are coming off. And there's nothing but solid logic behind it all: the deeper the crisis, the more the various needs diverge.
President Sarkozy faces a 2012 election campaign with a sovereign credit rating downgrade looming ever bigger. And French banks are in devastatingly deep doodoo. Chancellor Merkel, however, faces entirely different priorities: strong opposition from all sides, including her own party, to ever-growing German funds and credit being used to prop up the sinking parts of Europe..."
at http://www.businessinsider.com/the-viscious-cycle-at-the-heart-of-europes-crisis-2011-10?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+clusterstock+%28ClusterStock%29#ixzz1bdL1x4M6
President Sarkozy faces a 2012 election campaign with a sovereign credit rating downgrade looming ever bigger. And French banks are in devastatingly deep doodoo. Chancellor Merkel, however, faces entirely different priorities: strong opposition from all sides, including her own party, to ever-growing German funds and credit being used to prop up the sinking parts of Europe..."
at http://www.businessinsider.com/the-viscious-cycle-at-the-heart-of-europes-crisis-2011-10?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+clusterstock+%28ClusterStock%29#ixzz1bdL1x4M6