"Everywhere you turn these days, someone is proclaiming that the economy is
improving. Barack Obama is endlessly touting the "improvement" in the economy,
the mainstream media is constantly talking about "the economic recovery" and an
increasing number of Americans seem to be buying into this line of thinking. A
new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll found that 37 percent of Americans believe that the economy will improve
over the next year, while only 17 percent of Americans believe that it will get
worse. But is the economy actually improving? Not really. At the moment
things are relatively stable. Some economic statistics are improving slightly
and some continue to get even worse. However, it is very important to keep in
mind that one of the biggest reasons why things have stabilized is because the
federal government is pumping more than a trillion dollars a year into the
economy that
it does not have. The Obama administration is engaging in a debt binge
unlike anything America has ever seen before, and yet many economic indicators
are still in decline. So what is going to happen when the federal government
stops injecting gigantic waves of borrowed money into the economy? That is a
frightening thing to think about. The best efforts of our "leaders" in
Washington D.C. are not accomplishing a whole lot. The Federal Reserve has
pushed interest rates as low as they can go and the federal government is
spending unprecedented amounts of money. But even with the federal government
and the Federal Reserve pushing the accelerator all the way to the floor, the
economy is still not improving much at all. Millions upon millions of Americans
out there are anticipating some sort of a "great economic recovery", and they
are going to be bitterly disappointed..."
at http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/if-the-economy-is-improving
at http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/if-the-economy-is-improving