"With continued volatility in global markets, the Godfather of newsletter writers, Richard Russell, had some very interesting charts and warnings in his latest commentaries. Here is what Russell had to say: “I show the VIX below, often referred to as ‘the fear index.’ The VIX tends to rise as investors' fears rise regarding coming events in the market. Note the long decline of the VIX during 2010 as investors were increasingly complacent. Then in March the VIX shot up as the stock market crumbled. Again in July the VIX surged to over 47 as the market sank into a vicious bear market. ”
at http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2012/4/25_Richard_Russell_-_After_the_Calm_Comes_the_Storm.html
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