"Did printing vast quantities of money work for the Weimar Republic? Nope. And
it won't work for us either. If printing money was the secret to economic
success, we could just print up a trillion dollars for every American and be
done with it. The truth is that making everyone in America a trillionaire would
not mean that we would all suddenly be wealthy. There would be the same amount
of "real wealth" in our economy as before. But what it would do is render our
currency meaningless and totally destroy faith in our financial system. Sadly,
we have not learned the lessons that history has tried to teach us. Back in
April 1919, it took 12 German marks to get 1 U.S. dollar. By December 1923, it
took approximately 4 trillion German marks to get 1 U.S. dollar. So was the
Weimar Republic better off after all of the "quantitative easing" that they did
or worse off? Of course they were worse off. They destroyed their currency and
wrecked all confidence in their financial system. There was an old joke that if
you left a wheelbarrow full of money sitting around in the Weimar Republic that
thieves would take the wheelbarrow and they would leave the money behind. Will
things eventually get that bad in the United States someday?
Of course we are not going to see hyperinflation in the U.S. this week or
this month.
But don't think that it will never happen.
The people of Germany never thought that it would happen to them, but it
at http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/quantitative-easing-did-not-work-for-the-weimar-republic-either
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