Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Household Name From Top Hedge Fund Caught Manipulating

"Today acclaimed money manager Stephen Leeb shocked King World News when he said his friend was at the office of a major hedge fund operator, “... when the instructions the head of the hedge fund was giving to one of his traders was, ‘Sell it, and sell it stupid. And make sure people just don’t know where the selling is coming from and why it’s coming.’”
The acclaimed money manager also added, “... there is tremendous vested interest in promoting paper money. When you have that kind of vested interest, people aren’t going to go down without a fight, and I think all year long you have seen desperation at play in the gold market.”
Here is what Leeb had to say in this KWN exclusive: “I’ve never seen a situation like this. It really does suggest somebody out there is trying to keep gold from blowing the cover off the fact that currencies are being trashed, and are becoming more and more worthless by the day. They are pretty brilliant at it (the manipulation of gold). That’s how hedge funds and anyone that’s doing this operates.”

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