Monday, November 26, 2012

Close To The Tipping Point For The Chaotic Phase To Begin

"Today 40-year veteran, Robert Fitzwilson, wrote the following piece exclusively for King World News. Fitzwilson, who is founder of The Portola Group, warns that “Cracks are developing in the fabric of societies around the world ... It feels like we are getting very close to the tipping point for the chaotic phase to begin.” 
Below is Fitzwilson’s exclusive piece for KWN:
“Gravity is a mysterious force. We can measure it, and we can experience it. Our very existence would not be possible without it. There are many theories as to the origin of gravity, but none that have been proven conclusively.
If we then turn to look at the global experience with fiat money, we know it is coming to an end. The arithmetic is inescapable. History is very clear about that. We have concluded that the “when” conundrum cannot be answered with any certainty. The end is unlikely to be linear, most likely chaotic and will accelerate rapidly to the final conclusion...."


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