Friday, April 19, 2013

Kaye - Central Planners Risk Having All Hell Break Loose Here

"Today acclaimed hedge fund manager William Kaye warned King World News that central planners are risking losing control of the financial system entirely and having all hell break loose.  Kaye, who 25 years ago worked for Goldman Sachs in mergers and acquisitions and who is the founder of Pacific Group in Hong Kong, had this to say in part I of an absolutely incredible three part series of written interviews that will be released today.
Eric King:  “Going back to the West and what they are up to here, obviously as gold rises it’s an indictment of all fiat currencies, particularly the dollar, Bill, and when you see this kind of orchestrated smash (in gold and silver recently), I know red flags go up for you and you think, ‘What’s wrong?  What’s going on behind the scenes?’”
“I think that’s a fair comment.  The major question that you would love to be able to answer is, what are these guys scared of?  They (Western central planners) are obviously worried about something because this (recent takedown) smacks of real desperation....
“Enquiring minds could speculate about a number of things.  It could be something financial.  It could be something geopolitical such as a war in the Middle-East.  Iran of course is still in play.  You have to believe that the powers that be are aware of something.  They are very concerned about something, and they need to reset the price of gold lower in the near-term for that reason.”


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