Sunday, April 14, 2013

Mike Maloney: Today's Low Gold & Silver Prices Are Not Realistic

"Submitted by Adam Taggart of Peak Prosperity,

During this very tumultuous week for precious metals prices, Chris sat down with Mike Maloney, founder and owner of, one of the world's largest bullion dealers.
Mike is a true scholar of monetary history. His reasons for getting into the bullion business have their roots in a very predictable cycle that has happened time and again over the centuries (more accurately millennia):
  1. A new monetary system is introduced, based on sound money (most commonly, using gold and/or silver)
  2. Currency (e.g., paper bills backed by sound money) is introduced to faciliate trade and commerce
  3. Governments begin to tinker with ways to 'print' more currency than can be fully backed (e.g., coin clipping, partially-backed notes, FRNs)
  4. A false prosperity ensues. Those closest to the new money creation benefit most and debase the currency further to forward their advantage.
  5. Reality begins to catch up with this deficit spending and the purchasing power of the currency weakens dramatically.
  6. The monetary system collapses under too many claims on a limited pool of sound money.
  7. Eventually, a new monetary system backed by sound money rises from the ashes (see Step 1, above).
Mike believes that we are currently experiencing Step 6 and that we will witness the birth of a new monetary regime within the next ten years.
What makes this moment in history unique is that all past monetary regime collapses have happened regionally. This is the first time in human history in which all the world's major currencies are collapsing together. Which is why he is so passionate about owning gold and silver.
In his opinion, we will soon witness the greatest transfer of wealth ever seen, as countries worldwide realize they need to revert to monetary systems backed by sound money (i.e., the precious metals). Those acquiring gold and silver beforehand will not only preserve their wealth as existing fiat currencies are extinguished, but will see staggering increases in their purchasing power. Those interested in learning more of Mike's specific vision can watch Episode One of his new Hidden Secrets of Money video series. (Chris and I received advance screenings of the next few episodes, which are excellent in terms of explaining the processes and shortcomings of our current monetary system.)..."



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