Sunday, May 26, 2013

Celente - $17 Trillion & The Two World’s of Gold & Silver

"Today top trends forecaster Gerald Celente spoke with King World News at length about what is taking place in gold and silver markets.  Gerald Celente is the founder of Trends Research, and the man many consider to be the top trends forecaster in the world.  Below is a portion of what Celente had to say in his interview.
Celente:  “I’m in the camp of everyone else out there that really follows this, that the paper trading and (with) the naked shorts is one way of buying gold and trading gold, but that’s not the real market.  That’s the manipulated market.
On the hard asset market, taking physical delivery of gold, it’s still very strong around the world.  So there are the two worlds....
“There is the world that’s manipulating gold and the world that is buying gold.  And in the world that’s manipulating gold all we have to do is look at the beginning of the week when Fed Chairman Bernanke came out and talked about whether or not they were going to keep interest rates low, or (have) more quantitative easing, and  (then) we saw the reaction on the Street (Wall Street).
Following that gold spiked and then of course pulled back a bit, but for no reason at all because as you are looking at the real market conditions, there is no (economic) recovery, period.  What have they dumped in, Eric?  Some $17 trillion since the panic of 2008 hit, between quantitative easing and pumping money into the system.
Look at the numbers coming out, the recovery is tepid at best and now you have a slowdown in China.  You still have a slowdown in Europe.  It’s only getting worse over there.  Interest rates are at record lows and gold should be at record highs.
But it’s not in the interest of the central bankers around the world to have high gold prices because if gold prices were high, then people would realize that they don’t have any value in buying paper garbage.  And that’s all this is.  They (central planners) are driving down gold prices to keep their paper garbage at a salable price so that people still believe in the failing system.”  

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