Friday, May 3, 2013

John Hathaway - I Haven’t Seen This In Gold In 15 Years

"With continued turbulence in the gold and silver markets, today superstar John Hathaway, whose career spans more than four decades in the financial business, told King World News he has never seen anything like what we are witnessing in the gold market since starting his gold fund 15 years ago.  Here is what Hathaway, who is without question one of the most respected institutional minds in the world today regarding gold, had to say in part II of his powerful interview.

Eric King:  “John, you’ve had a career spanning over four decades in this business.  When you look back on the two periods between 2001 to 2003 and 2008 to 2009, focusing on gold and the shares are they as undervalued as you have ever seen them?”
Hathway:  “The gold stocks are very statistically cheap, particularly if you think gold prices are headed higher.  In fact they are ridiculously cheap.  I’ve never seen it like this since I started the gold fund in 1998.
It reminds me a lot of what happened in 2008 when I had people writing me and telling me the game was over.  We now have people coming out of the woodwork telling investors to get out of the gold space..."

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