Thursday, January 2, 2014

Absolutely Shocking Developments In The War On Gold

"People have to remember that silver has lost way more on a percentage basis than gold.  In a period of roughly 32 months the price of silver has dropped from $50 to just under $20, and yet SLV has not been losing much in the way of physical silver.  This is almost beyond comprehension.  The mainstream media will not address this fact because it exposes the fraud and the manipulation.

I stand by what I’ve been saying all along which is this takedown has been totally organized and orchestrated.  But the cartel’s options are becoming more limited now that 41% of GLD’s physical inventory has been shipped to the strong hands in Asia.  My guess is we are now looking at mid-to-late January of 2014 as a probable and absolute bottom, after which it is going to be difficult for sidelined investors to gain a position because gold and silver will then move very, very quickly in the other direction.  That is why most people are going to miss this move, Eric.

While all of the Western media is filled with anti-gold stories, China continues to buy virtually all of the available physical gold at these levels, and will continue to do so on any further price declines.  Also, the flow of gold into India has continued because of increased smuggling.  But none of the smuggled gold is being reported in the official import numbers.

One of the primary reasons this gold flowing into India is not being reported is because the politicians themselves control the smuggling rings.  The reason India has such a large current account deficit and a loss of confidence in the Indian currency is because of the bad government policies.  The people of India see this and so they seek refuge, as they always have throughout history, in gold.  

The politicians appeared to want to put a stop to that.  They blamed the crave for gold in India which has been eternal, for a current account problem that is structural -- that is basically temporary.  As you know, Eric, I have extremely good sources and contacts in India because we’ve done business there for years.  If our sources are correct, this year the gold imports into India are very close to 1,200 tons, which is a staggering figure.

On top of that, we have the Chinese importing a mind-boggling 2,200 tons of gold for 2013.  That figure actually totals the entire global mine supply for all of 2013 outside of China.
Remember, China does not export any of its mine supply.  If we then add the Chinese import figures with the Indian import figures, including illegal smuggling, quite frankly those numbers are shocking.  You also have to remember that we have enormous demand from other countries around the world such as Russia, Brazil, just to name two.  

But the point I am making here is that these numbers for physical gold demand around the world simply don’t add up without major official sources such as Western central banks, the BIS (Bank for International Settlements), the Fed, and the Bank of England supplying gold from their own vaults.  Otherwise you just can’t square these numbers.  Any child with a pencil who can do arithmetic would not be able to sum those figures.  So these numbers just don’t add up, and this makes me very optimistic as I look out into 2014 and beyond..."

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