Friday, February 28, 2014

Which Stocks Will Make A Fortune For Investors This Year?

"...In addition to the geopolitical instability, we also have the Indians continuing to discuss repealing the import taxes on gold and especially silver.  This would be a great thing for consumption because consumption will go way up.  Indian gold demand was certainly climbing toward record highs before the government attempted to choke off the demand with punitive taxes.

In the end, the taxation didn’t really have the effect they wanted.  The gold trade just went underground and there were massive amounts of gold being smuggled across the border from Pakistan.  Of course this meant that the government of India was getting nothing out of it because all the money was going into the black economy.

The bottom line is they have a growing middle class in India, they don’t trust paper money, and so they are buying more gold and silver as their wages increase as a form of savings.  This is the same thing we are seeing in China.  People have to remember that gold was incredibly oversold in December.  This created a fantastic buying opportunity that people were taking advantage of all over the world."


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