Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Collapse Of Western Ponzi Scheme To Send Gold Skyrocketing

"Today one of the most highly respected fund managers in Singapore told King World News that the collapse of the Western Ponzi scheme will send the price of gold skyrocketing.  Grant Williams, who is portfolio manager of the Vulpes Precious Metals Fund, also discussed the coming implosion of the Western scheme as well as how the Russians and the Chinese positioning themselves ahead of this collapse.

Eric King:  “Grant, as you know James Turk told KWN that gold is in the deepest backwardation we’ve seen in 8 months.  What’s happening in the gold market?”
Williams:  “Eric, this gets back to the difference between physical metal and paper.  We’ve seen this increasing demand for physical gold out of Eastern countries in the last 18 months, particularly China, and that demand for physical is showing itself on a short-term basis in the negative (GOFO) rates we are seeing...."


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