Sunday, August 24, 2014

Ex-White House Official - Gold, Capital Controls & Inflation

"Today King World News interviewed the former White House official who was Special Assistant to the President of the United States for Economic Policy and a former member of the U.S. President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, also known as the Plunge Protection Team, or PPT.  While in the White House, Dr. Philippa “Pippa” Malmgren served as financial market advisor in the White House and functioned as the direct liaison between the White House and the Federal Reserve. 

Dr. Malmgren formerly headed the Global Asset Management business for Bankers Trust in Asia, out of Hong Kong, and was also Chief Currency Strategist for Bankers Trust Company, and former Head of Global Investment Strategy at UBS.  Dr. Malmgren was also a senior consultant to Deutsche Bank, and currently advises the largest sovereign wealth funds, hedge funds, and pension funds in the world.

Dr. Malmgren:  “Gold is such an interesting subject.  What the state is doing is trying to close the exit doors in lots of different ways.  So we’ve seen some governments introduce currency controls, restrictions of the movement of capital from (point) A to (point) B, and much higher taxes....

“Another way (for governments to accomplish this) is to do whatever they can to stop the price of alternatives from rising, like gold, like silver.  But the real story is that people are looking for a better store of value.  If the U.S. and other governments are going to abandon price stability, if they are going to make prices more unstable, if they are going to devalue, to inflate, then people want something else to go into..."


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