October 15 (King World News) – Jason Goepfert at SentimenTrader: “Gold continues to move impressively higher. Sentiment has improved as well, and during a bear market that always bears watching. A market stuck in a long-term bear market tends to peak out when sentiment recovers from extreme pessimism to neutral.
The chart (above) shows the other peaks in gold during the past two years, and we can see that each of the peaks was associated with an Optimism Index right around 50. The latest reading has recovered to only 29, so there is a ways to go before it would trigger some concern that sentiment has recovered too much, too fast.”
King World News note: The chart below shows the recent improvement in sentiment in the gold market, which broke the reading back above the excessive pessimism level (see chart below).
at http://kingworldnews.com/a-remarkable-look-at-the-war-in-the-gold-and-platinum-markets/
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