"The 'Washington-based' IMF chose the status quo, merely tinkering slightly with the dollar-euro-pound-yen balance in its SDR. The Anglo-American financiers threw a bone to the Europeans with a slight increase. Japan retained its place in the colonial powers club. I find it almost incredible that the UK remains a financial power to the exclusion of the BRICs.
I cannot imagine that Russia and China will be pleased with this rebuff to their concerns, although they were granted more of the trappings of power at the G20.
Now that the SDR is off the table as a broadly acceptable replacement for the dollar reserve currency regime, at least for the next five years, we might expect more regionalization of trade and the formation of new trading blocs. This implies less financial stability as the developing and commodity nations begin to rebel against the current foundations of global finance that continue to subject them to the monetary policies of the Big Four: US, Europe, UK and Japan..."
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