Friday, November 5, 2010

U.S. Fed Buying $600 Billion in Debt with Debt

"Here is the glaring hole in the United States Federal Reserve’s approach to what it calls stimulus, and what history will one day categorize as fraud: You can’t use your own debt to purchase more debt when you can’t repay the original debt. The crime is compounded when you know you’re never going to repay the debt. It amounts to treason to intentionally destroy the integrity of the nation’s money. The Federal Reserve’s ability to “purchase” U.S. Treasury Bills is completely dependent on the fact that there is no overseer above the Board of Governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve to call an end to such self-destructive, immoral, and just plain criminal behaviour.

That stock markets rise in reaction to the news is no surprise: that $600 billion will find its way into the pockets of major financial institutions, and will go nowhere near the vast majority of bank accounts owned by people who are out on the street thanks to the collusion, or rather, the subjugation of the government of the United States to the Financial Service Industry. The rise will be temporary, and as this most recent mutation of the disease engulfing certain nations right now, debt addiction is going to suffocate future generations for decades..."

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