Friday, December 10, 2010

U.S. Interest Rates Surge as Fed, Congress Crush Debtholders

"Washington, 0. The bond market, 1.

That’s the score folks, in case you haven’t been keeping track. The Federal Reserve Chairman said his $600 billion “QE2″ program would lower interest rates. Instead, rates have done nothing but rise since investors got wind of the Treasury buying plan.

Then this week, Republicans in Congress — and the Obama administration — decided to kick Treasury holders while they’re down. They announced plans to cut estate taxes, lower payroll taxes, extend President Bush’s tax cuts for even the wealthiest citizens, and extend unemployment benefits for jobless Americans.

The catch? There’s no plan whatsoever to pay for any of it! The deal makes a total mockery of all that highfalutin language from the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform..."


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