Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rising Debt and Manipulation of the Gold Market

"...Gold has spent the last two years moving up in price as it challenged the US dollar for supremacy as the world reserve currency. Now, inflation is again in investor’s sights, as companies are forced to raise prices 6% to 15%, after having raised prices over the past year mostly in the form of small packaging. We’d call that stealth inflation. Manufacturers and producers think they are fooling the American public, but they are not. They are just demonstrating how deceitful they are. Raw materials costs are rising and they will continue to rise and so will real inflation, and that makes gold and silver move higher to reflect the loss in purchasing power of the public and the loss of value of all currencies versus gold and silver. In our previous report this week we pointed out the massive short covering by commercials in the gold pits. Unprecedented net short reduction, which can only portent a major upward move in gold and silver. The percentage of silver short covering was not nearly as successful for JPM, HSBC, GS and Citi. That is still yet to come. It will expedite the upside as it has done recently. All the elitists have done is ended their short bias and now will join you on the long side of the market. Their tactics have given you another opportunity to buy at cheaper prices.

The bond market yields will move slowly higher on the long end for the remainder of the year and thus, bonds should move slightly lower.

Stocks, which are way overpriced, will eventually fall probably back to 10,000 on the Dow..."


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