Saturday, September 3, 2011

Laurence Parisot: European Debt Crisis is an American Conspiracy

"Laurence Parisot, the president of MEDEF (the largest union of employers in France), blamed American media for destabilizing the banks in euro zone. Her speech was a response to Alan Greenspan’s accusation that “The euro is breaking down and the US economy is suffering because of Europe’s debt crisis” at the Innovation Nation Forum in Washington DC on Tuesday. In so speaking,
Laurence Parisot returned the blame back to the U.S.A.

She told French newspaper Figaro that the difficulties of euro zone were orchestrated in the USA in order to destabilize Europe. She continued that when American publications largely read by investors and financial analysts make false and dramatic headlines the questions should be asked. She denounced an orchestration made on the other side of the Atlantic for the difficulties which Europe is currently experiencing. She added that even though the rumours over the French banks were unfounded the American press immediately made news of it. “Even one of the US media declared the end of euro, continuing that “we went from attacks on Spain to Italy, then France until the rumours of degradation of Germany last week”.

In addition to all these she said that there has been psychological warfare to destabilize the euro zone. The rumours have been created and the market has overreacted to these rumours. “We must not be naïve and fall for the auto disqualification: if Europe is attacked not because it is weak but it is strong”.
She also said that she is in favour of golden rule that would include a balanced budget in the constitution..."