"If you increased your credit card spending by a couple thousand dollars per
month would your lifestyle improve? Of course it would. By going into large
amounts of debt, it is possible to live a lifestyle that you can't really
afford, at least for a while. But if you keep racking up huge amounts of credit
card debt every single month, eventually it gets to a point where it is
extremely difficult to even keep up with the minimum monthly payments and the
credit card companies will not lend you any more money. Well, on a larger scale
it is the same thing with government debt. Right now, the U.S. government is
spending more than a trillion dollars more than it takes in every year. Even if
the U.S. government spends all of that money on incredibly stupid
stuff, it still gets into the pockets of ordinary Americans. In turn, those
ordinary Americans use that money to pay the mortgage, buy food, shop at the
mall, etc. All of this borrowing and spending by the U.S. government has
created a "false prosperity" bubble that is not real. It may feel real to you
right now, but it is unsustainable by definition. If the U.S. government
suddenly started spending only the money that it actually brought in every year,
our economy would be doomed and all of this "false prosperity" would rapidly
disappear. But if the U.S. government continues to rack up debt at this pace we
are doomed as well. In fact, every dollar that gets borrowed makes our eventual
collapse ever worse. We are heading down the exact same road that Greece has
gone. Eventually the rest of the world is not going to lend us gigantic
mountains of super cheap money anymore. When the flow of cheap money stops, it
can be extremely painful. Anyone that has ever seen the interest rates on their
credit cards go above 20 percent knows how this feels. If we had addressed
these problems as a nation a decade or two ago, perhaps we could have found a
solution. But now there is no way out under our current financial system and a
devastating economic collapse is on the horizon no matter what we do..."
at http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/if-the-u-s-government-keeps-spending-money-like-this-we-are-doomed-and-if-the-u-s-government-stops-spending-money-like-this-we-are-doomed
at http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/if-the-u-s-government-keeps-spending-money-like-this-we-are-doomed-and-if-the-u-s-government-stops-spending-money-like-this-we-are-doomed