"When it comes to the fabled President's Working Group on Capital Markets,
also known as the Plunge Protection Team, the myths about the subject are
certainly far greater than any underlying reality. To be sure, vast amounts of
popular folkflore has been expounded into the public arena, with most of it
being shot down simply due to it assuming conspiracy theories of such vast scale
that the human mind is unable to grasp the complexity, and ultimately the
inverse Gordian Knot makes an appearance with the claim that vast conspiracies
are largely untenable simply because it is impossible to keep a secret from so
many people for so long. Yet what if the secret is not a secret at all but is
fully out in the open, and is only a matter of interpretation, and
contextualizing? Why just 3 years ago it would appear preposterous to allege the
capital markets are a ponzi and that the Fed does everything in its power to
keep stocks higher. Well, what a difference three years make: now the Chairman
himself in a Washington Post OpEd has admitted that the sole gauge of Fed
success is the loftiness of the Russell 2000, neither unemployment nor inflation
really matter now that the Fed's third mandate has been fully whipped out.
Furthermore, Keynesian economics, and the entire top echelon of the educational
system have also been accurately represented as a paradigm which merely
perpetuates the status quo as the alternative is the realization that the whole
system is a house of cards. As for the global capital markets being nothing
short of a ponzi, we merely point you to the general direction of Europe, the
ECB and the continent's banks, where the monetary interplay is nothing short of
the world's biggest pyramid scheme. Yet the PPT, or whatever it is informally
called, does not exist? Consider further that only recently did it become known
that the former SecTres Hank Paulson
himself was exposed as presenting material non-public information to a bevy
of Goldman arb desk diaspora hedge funds, headed by with none other than the
head of the President's Working Group on Capital Markets Asset Managers
committee David Mindich. So, if contrary to all the evidence that there is some
vast underlying pattern, if not a conspiracy per se, one were to take the leap
of faith and take the next step, where would one end up? Well, most likely
looking at the Exchange Stabilization Fund, or ESF, which Eric deCarbonnel has
spent so much time trying to unmask. Is it possible that the ESF, located
conveniently at the nexus between US monetary policy, foreign policy and last
but not least, a promoter of the interests of the US military-industrial
complex, is precisely the organization that so many have been trying to expose
for years? Watch and decide for yourself..."
at http://www.zerohedge.com/news/presenting-exchange-stabilization-fund-5-parts-real-plunge-protection-team
at http://www.zerohedge.com/news/presenting-exchange-stabilization-fund-5-parts-real-plunge-protection-team