"Unfortunately, as the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle writes in "Report: Student Debt Could Be Next Economic Bomb," this particular track looks to be leading us to another train wreck.
Student debt is looming as a national problem that could have repercussions reminiscent of the mortgage crisis, says a new report by the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys.
The study, released Tuesday and based on a nationwide survey of 860 bankruptcy lawyers, said that bankruptcy attorneys nationwide are seeing at the ground level "what feels too much like what they saw before the foreclosure crisis crashed onto the national scene."
The report calls for a change in bankruptcy laws.
In the survey, 81 percent of respondents said that potential clients with student loan debt have increased "significantly" or "somewhat" in the last four years.
And 95 percent of respondents reported that few student loan debtors have any chance of discharging what they owe through a bankruptcy proceeding because they have to prove "undue hardship" — a standard that is difficult to meet.
The total debt from student loans is about $1 trillion, about 14 times more than 15 years ago and well above the estimated total credit card debt of $798 billion..."