Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bernanke's Speech Decrypted

"Bernanke's splendiferous defense of all things holy and Central-Bank-like this afternoon has a little for everyone - if you spent the time to listen/read his entire lecture. For those who did not, perhaps the following word-cloud sums up his perspective - and its odd subliminal messaging. The words Gold and Standard appear more times than Central and Bank; the words Policy and Economy are almost equal in number and very close together in this 'randomized' word-cloud; Collateral and Essential appear infrequently but oddly proximate when the random hand of Worldle is applied; the Dollar got its rightful tiny mention; and the Inflation-Deflation debate will rage on - as Inflation slightly outnumbered Deflation but the randomizer did its job and strangely placed Inflation next to Bad and Deflation next to Great. There was no mention of Oz, The PPT, Unicorns, Beard-Trimmer, Ron Paul, or Those-Bloody-Bears-On-YouTube, though the words Panic and Panics were somewhat surprisingly frequently uttered."


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