Thursday, March 29, 2012

Paul Mylchreest Presents Various Visual Case Studies Of Gold Price Manipulation

"When it comes to open questions and general issues surrounding the gold market, The Thunderroad Report's Paul Mylchreest is among the leading contrarian voices who always injects a dose of reality in an otherwise nebulous topic, and one which has been a great disappointment for central bankers over the past century, because as Chris Martenson explained yesterday, "Gold is an objective measure of the degree to which fiat money is being managed well or managed poorly" and never has fiat money been managed as badly as over the past 4 years. In his latest report, Mylchreest focuses on a topic that is near and dear to many precious metal fans: manipulation, and specifically capturing it in practice. In an extended overview of what he dubs various "repeating algorithmic trading programmes" Mylchreest is confident he has enough evidence to demonstrate a recurring pattern of blatant gold manipulation. And he very well may: at the end of the day price merely expresses the relative confidence of buyers versus sellers, still even so we once again go back to the one question we keep on repeating, and one which Martenson also picked up on: if gold is manipulated, so what? Not only so what, but thank you! Because what keeping the price artificially lower does is provides a cheap entry point to pick up physical. As a reminder, those who buy gold, at least so they claim, are not doing it to flip it higher in some fiat equivalent, unless they are merely speculators of course, and instead preparing for the period that follows the collapse of paper money, in which only sound currency, such as gold and silver, will be relevant. In this context, we can only say - bring on the manipulation, in fact send gold to zero if possible please. Frankly neither we, nor anyone else, should be that much concerned with day to day gyration of the value of gold. The long-term trajectory is well-known, however the only question is- does one buy gold to sell it (in dollars, euros, rial, or dong), or to have a true backstop to a failing currency when point T+1 finally comes?..."


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