Tuesday, May 8, 2012

All the gold and silver roads now leading to China

"I wish to add to my insights to the following article. At the 2010 Gold Symposium in Sydney I spoke to several mining company CEO's. One CEO in particular I quizzed about silver. His company was primarily a base metal miner but produced a significant about of Silver as a byproduct. I asked him where they had their ore concentrates smelted, he responded that most was sent to China, particularly the lead bearing ore. I asked if the silver was returned to his company in Australia, he responded that the refinery just paid his company out for the metals in the ore, no refined metals were returned.

Consider this in the light of the fact that China is one of the world's largest miners of silver and it seems the smelter of choice which may not be fully accounted for in its Silver imports. It would seem that China not only has a controlling position in Rare Earths it could soon control a significant percentage of the world's refined physical Silver..."

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