Thursday, June 7, 2012

Caesar - Gold To Be Viewed As Risk Free Asset In This Chaos

"With investors wondering where global markets are headed next, today King World News interviewed 25 year veteran Caesar Bryan.  Gabelli & Company has over $31 billion under management and Caesar Bryan has managed the gold fund since its inception in 1994.  Caesar told KWN that he expects central banks to be much more active going forward.  Here is what Ceasar had to say about the ongoing crisis:  “We are still seeing the effects of too much debt, and the authorities are coming to grips with how to deal with this phenomena.  This is going to prove to be a very tough assignment.”

Caesar Bryan continues:

“In Europe, Spain’s banking system needs recapitalizing.  Also, in the last day or two, the Portuguese banks received more money to keep them afloat.  So we are in the middle of a European debt crisis which is ongoing.  The fact that global stock markets have tumbled very recently is just one aspect of the so-called ‘fear trade.’  

So we continue to see money flowing into government securities as bond yields come down....

“We have had this pullback in global equities as investors are deeply troubled regarding corporate profits and economic growth for the remainder of the year.”

Caesar also added this:  “There have been times where gold has been regarded as a ‘risk’ asset, but I think increasingly gold is going to be viewed as a ‘risk-free’ asset.  This will attract more investor attention to gold, and maybe we are in the beginning of that process..."

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