Monday, September 3, 2012

Critical Changes Impacting The Gold & Silver Markets

"On the heels of the spectacular surge in gold and silver, Egon von Greyerz and Dan Norcini update King World News listeners on the critical developments taking place in both markets. Norcini discusses the crucial changes in the COT structure, but first, Egon von Greyerz, of Materhorn Asset Management out of Switzerland, had this to say about Bernanke’s speech: “On the one hand he says we shouldn't expand the balance sheet further because that isn't good for the finances of the Fed. But on the other hand, and this is the important statement at the end of his speech, he talks about daunting economic challenges that confront our nation.”
Egon von Gryerz continues:
“He talks about the stagnation of the labor market, which is in particular a ‘grave concern.’ Then, his final statement, is the most important thing for the Fed is to support economic growth and job creation. Then he says, ‘Taking due account of the uncertainties and its policy tools, the Fed will provide additional policy accommodation as needed, to promote a stronger economic recovery.’
Well, this is what I've been saying all the time because on the one hand he says he's not going to do it, on the other hand he says they will do it....
“This is why it's not worth listening to what he says because they will do it, but they won't do it when people expect.
There will only be smaller amounts of orderly money printing on a regular basis, but the real one will come when there is a panic situation. There will be a panic situation in the US, in the eurozone, and the rest of the world. That's where, just like in 2008, we will have massive QE happening worldwide.”

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