"It’s perhaps no co-incidence that the trend towards persistent deficits
started around the final collapse of the last link to a quasi-Gold standard back
in August 1971. As Deutsche Bank's Jim Reid notes, in a world of the Gold
Standard or equivalent, those countries loosening policy too much would have
seen a rush to convert their currencies into Gold thus destabilising their
economic policy framework. Multi-year (let alone multi-decade) deficits
and the GFC could not have occurred under a gold standard.
So with the shackles off and with nothing backing paper money, the
post 1971 period has seen a uniquely long period of fiat currencies globally
with a beggar-thy-neighbour rolling period of credit creation. Never
before in observable history have so many countries been off a precious metal
type currency system for so long. This move in 1971 helped create the
conditions (alongside ever looser financial regulation) for almost unlimited
credit and debt creation potential that would have been inconceivable through
the annuls of economic history. The developed world in particular
went on a 36 year credit/debt binge which probably lasted longer and was more
aggressive than it would have been had it not been for China's globalisation
moment 30 years ago. From this point they almost single handedly started
a three decade period of suppressing global inflation thus allowing the
credit/debt binge to become ever bigger without the inflationary check
that would have likely otherwise occurred.
It’s worth reminding ourselves that this graph is compiled on a log
scale which can visually understate the scale of the loss of purchasing power
seen against Gold over the last century. Such losses did occur in
stages though.
As can be seen from the graph, the 1930s Depressionary period, and the
war-torn 1940s, saw sizeable devaluations against Gold from most countries as
many re-valued or left the Gold Standard due to high economic stress. Post WWII,
the Bretton Woods system then broadly stabilised currencies by creating a Dollar
standard where the US agreed to convert Dollars into Gold at around $35 per
ounce. After 20 plus years of
relative currency stability (helped by heavy post WWII capital controls), the
late 1960s started to see pressures building on this Dollar/Gold peg as some
countries chose to switch their Dollars into Gold as concern mounted about the
loosening of US monetary policy and on the other side some countries
had to devalue within the system.
By 1971 President Nixon had decided that this peg was unsustainable and on
15th August he suspended convertibility - which leads to the inflationary
debacle in our
previous post.
So after 41 years
global fiat currencies and an unparalleled amount of debt that
proving very difficult to shift, we really are venturing into
at http://www.zerohedge.com/news/did-great-financial-crisis-start-end-gold-standard
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