Saturday, January 19, 2013

James Turk - Germany’s Gold Is Being Held Hostage

"Today James Turk told King World News that the German gold is being held hostage by the Fed. Turk also believes that one portion of the Bundesbank’s press release was particularly misleading. Turk reveals the reality of what is taking place with Germany’s gold, and it’s not what the mainstream media and the Bundesbank are telling people.

Here is what Turk had to say in this extraordinary interview: “It’s quite clear that the German gold is being held hostage. They are not getting what they want. They are getting what the Federal Reserve is telling them they can have. The fact that they are doing it over 7 years rather than 7 weeks, is just an indication that gold probably isn’t in the Federal Reserve, and the Federal Reserve doesn’t want to have to go out and buy it overnight to fulfill the German demand. They are trying to stretch it out as long as possible in order to keep gold prices controlled.”
James Turk continues:
“I mean you can do 5 tons at a time on an airplane shipment. A few hundred shipments and you can have that (1,536 tons of) gold back (in Germany) in a matter of weeks. The only possible conclusion you can make is the gold isn’t there. 
You can do what France did back in the 1960s....
You send over a couple of ships and bring the gold back to your country that way.
When Charles de Gaulle asked for his gold out of the Federal Reserve, it didn’t take 7 years. He got it right away. But back then the gold was in the Federal Reserve because it wasn’t going out in the leasing and lending program that governments have been using in recent years in order to keep the gold price suppressed..."

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