Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Embry - This May Create A Massive Upside Breakout In Gold

"Today John Embry asked the question, why should gold and silver investors worry?  He then told King World News about a key situation which may create a massive upside breakout in gold.  Embry also commented on the massive global physical demand for the metals.  Below is what Embry, who is chief investment strategist at Sprott Asset Management, had to say in his tremendous interview:

Embry:  “What I am focused on right now is this whole paper gold market and the fact that the gold in the banking system has been hypothecated and rehypothecated so many times that nobody knows who owns what. 

We’re seeing more and more evidence that the market is getting tighter and tighter, and I believe there will be a run on physical gold because of this.  When these various people and entities find out they don’t really own the gold they think they do, there is going to be an amazing reaction...."

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