Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fed Official Who Helped Orchestrate QE: 'I'm Sorry, America,' QE Really Was A Huge Wall Street Bailout Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/fed-official-sorry-about-qe-2013-11#ixzz2kSoEarmc

"Andrew Huszar, a former Federal Reserve employee who executed QE, has written a Wall Street Journal op-ed apologizing for the "unprecedented shopping spree."
Huszar worked at the Fed for seven years before leaving for Wall Street. The central bank recruited him back in 2009 to manage "what was at the heart of QE’s bond-buying spree–a wild attempt to buy $1.25 trillion in mortgage bonds in 12 months."
"I can only say: I'm sorry, America," Huszar writes. From the Journal:
It wasn't long before my old doubts resurfaced. Despite the Fed's rhetoric, my program wasn't helping to make credit any more accessible for the average American. The banks were only issuing fewer and fewer loans. More insidiously, whatever credit they were extending wasn't getting much cheaper. QE may have been driving down the wholesale cost for banks to make loans, but Wall Street was pocketing most of the extra cash..."

at http://www.businessinsider.com/fed-official-sorry-about-qe-2013-11#ixzz2kSoJembc

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