Sunday, February 16, 2014

Art Cashin - This Is The Great Danger Facing The World Today

"Today 50-year veteran Art Cashin, who is Director of Floor Operations at UBS ($650 billion under management), spoke with King World News about one of the greatest dangers facing the world today and warned, “They thought they were going to solve a desperate problem by desperate measures.  I don’t believe it’s having the effect they wanted, and it’s building up a very, very dangerous situation.

Eric King:  “It is historic watching the central banks involved in this inflation/deflation war, as they pump all of this money, but we seem to just be running in circles and not getting anywhere.”

Cashin:  “We certainly are running in circles and that’s why I say I think they are in a quandary.  Think of something that’s certainly unheard of in the last 50 years and that is the central bank saying they want inflation to get above 2%.  Telling the public that they want to depreciate the buying power of the currency that you are paid your wages in, and there is no political uproar about it.  It is absolutely stunning.

Now I know on paper why they want to do it:  They are terrified that if deflation were to take hold they would have a recession that they could never extricate themselves from.  But the concern on the other side is that if they were to have some success and begin to perk up inflation, could they (the Fed) control it?

That’s the fear of people like Richard Fisher of the Dallas Fed, who said, ‘We’ve got to get out of QE because this is like inflationary tinder lying about, and the wrong spark could get it going.’  So that’s why I say they are stuck.  They want to get things moving in a certain direction, but apparently they cannot make anything move.  So pushing on a string and looking powerless is where we see the Fed.”


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