Bill Murphy |
The Inteligencia Financiera Global blog (Global Financial Intelligence Blog) is honored to present another exclusive interview now with GATA’s Bill Murphy.
Thanks Bill for accepting this interview.
-Maybe most of people in the gold world know about you and GATA. Nevertheless, for those who don’t know: Who is Bill Murphy? Where do you come from a financial point of view and what did motivate you to found the Gold Anti- Trust Action Committee (GATA)?
Hello Memo.
Thanks so much for your interest in what GATA has to say. I have a Wall Street background and worked for Shearson Hayden Stone and Drexel Burnham Lambert in Manhattan in the late 1970’s and early 80’s. At one point I became a limit position trader in the copper market after forming my own company, so I am very versed in how the futures market works in the US. In 1998 I realized the Internet was going to be a big deal and opened as a subscription website which would focus on the gold/silver markets, as well as provide coverage of the US and world economies. Soon after opening up for business, the famed hedge fund Long Term Capital Management blew up. They were known to be short hundreds of tonnes of gold and that would have to be covered. However, it was clear that bullion banks such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and Deutsche Bank were capping the price around $300 in a collusive manner. My future colleague Chris Powell had anti-trust experience via his newspaper business. He suggested we try and stop it, so GATA was formed.
-In our last interview, Hugo Salinas Price told us that only a blind or a Harvard economist with a doctorate would not see the gold market is being manipulated. Do you agree? As I understand it, one of the main purposes of GATA is to communicate this fact to as many people as possible, and end this manipulation, but, Bill, isn´t it a lost war? Aren’t the manipulators “too strong to be stopped”?
Yes, Hugo is right on the money. It could not be more obvious. So much so that James McShirley, a speaker at GATA’s London conference in 2011, has written in advance at times what the gold will do on a given day. From a bigger picture someone only need to appreciate what the price of gold did last year compared to the DOW on the same quantitative easing news. The DOW went up 3,000 points and the gold price went down $600. That would have made no sense to anyone ahead of time. Gold went lower as it did because “The Gold Cartel” forced the price down with massive raids in the derivatives paper market, often when few traders were around.
Yes, this Gold Cartel is extremely powerful. But, they have an Achilles heel, and that is the physical gold market. The Chinese demand for physical gold is so massive, it is eating up the available central bank gold supply needed to suppress the price. The Gold Cartel’s raids haven’t gained any traction on the downside this year. Thus, the manipulators are being forced to retreat again as they did for 12 years in a row. They won the battle for 2013, but will lose their Gold War in the years ahead.
-As you know, many pundits like CPM Group’s Jeff Christian and famous investors like Jim Rogers say that they ignore allegations on gold market manipulation because those are mere “conspiracy theories”, what would you answer to them?
Hugo already said it best. Those who deny the manipulation are either working for the other side, suffer from cognitive dissonance, or have a “not invented here syndrome complex.” Three points to make:
*The Gold price was rigged for many years in times past, in the open, as in the London Gold Pool in the 1960’s. Why should now be any different? It is just surreptitious intervention this time around.
*It is recognized these days that most financial markets are manipulated. What, so gold and silver are two of the only markets not manipulated these days. JP Morgan alone was just fined some $20 billion dollars for rigging, or interfering, in eight different markets.
*As my colleague Chris Powell says, “GATA is a fact finding organization,” and we have 15 years worth of documentation to back that up. Here is just one of them which confirms what GATA has known all along: Secret IMF report: Hide gold loans and swaps for market manipulation ( ..."
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