Thursday, July 10, 2014

Germany & China Strengthen Alliance Along With Russia

"Today an acclaimed money manager told KWN that Germany has yet again strengthened its alliance with China.  Stephen Leeb also said that as the China/German relationship strengthens, Germany’s relationship with the United States is rapidly declining.  All of this is good news for Russia, who is more than happy watch this unfold.

Leeb:  “I was floored by the comments made on Merkel’s visit to she just concluded to China.  The German leader went to China for several days and many trade agreements were signed in what turned out to be an extremely friendly visit.  The president of China left Merkel saying he wished Germany luck against Brazil in the World Cup and called Germany an ‘important strategic partner.’....

“The significance to me is in comparing Merkel’s relationship with China, where she goes there for several days and gets to speak with students, etc., and in the end concludes that ‘Any international situation should involve China.’

And when you contrast that with what she said on her last trip to the United States, she said, ‘Stop the spying.’  A couple of days ago they just found an individual in the German intelligence that was spying on her.  Perhaps the U.S. is spying on her because of her closeness to not only Russia, but also to China, and her distancing herself from the United States.

Eric, it appears that the German/Russian/Chinese connection is getting stronger and stronger and the U.S. is becoming more distant.  It feels like the world is changing in front of us.  Don’t be surprised to see gold and silver being the ultimate safe havens, but also gold being sure to play a part in the new reserve currency in the East.  This means the price of gold will soar as that begins to unfold.  We are very close to that point of inflection, Eric, and every news story of any importance that I see proves that is the case.”


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