Thursday, July 10, 2014

How Much Time Before “The 7 Bubbles of America” Start to Burst?

"Snyder goes on to say in further edited excerpts:
Is there any doubt that we are living in a bubble economy?  At this moment in the United States we are simultaneously experiencing:
  1. a stock market bubble,
  2. a government debt bubble,
  3. a corporate bond bubble,
  4. a bubble in San Francisco real estate,
  5. a farmland bubble,
  6. a derivatives bubble and
  7. a student loan debt bubble.
Similar things could be said about most of the rest of the planet as well.  In fact, the total amount of government debt around the world has risen by about 40 percent just since the last recession but it is never sustainable when asset prices and debt levels increase much faster than the overall level of economic growth..."


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