Monday, September 22, 2014

John Embry On The Wild Action In Gold, Silver & Other Markets

"Embry:  “I am focused on the recent carnage in the gold and silver markets.  It has been the same story of constant paper selling pressure in gold and silver, where they hit the markets with algorithm-driven paper short selling during the quiet periods of trading.  Last night silver fell over 40 cents in the blink of an eye.  Silver is an asset that is now extraordinarily undervalued by any metric you choose to use....

“At one point on Friday silver had plunged 3.5 percent.  And then, as I said, it was briefly down another 2 percent in the overnight trading session.  

This is manipulation of the worst sort and I don’t know quite what the endgame is because when this is over the silver price is going to increase many, many multiples of the current silver price.  People should either add to their physical silver positions now or hold what they have.  Regardless, they should not let this artificial manipulation create enough frustration to separate themselves from their silver.  Silver will be one of the few life rafts available to investors when this whole Ponzi scheme comes unglued..."


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