Friday, April 24, 2015

Man Asked To Speak To Chinese Officials Warns Elite Have The World Headed For Disaster

"Today a legend who was recently asked by the Chinese government to give a speech to government officials in China sent King World News a powerful piece that warns the elite now have the world headed for disaster.
April 24 (King World News) – The United States needs a wake-up call and the loss of leadership and credibility on economic issues is exacerbated by the dysfunction and divisive nature on Capital Hill. Also, no longer is the US a reliable partner internationally (redlines are blurred). Respect, compromise or reasoning have been lost in the ideological battles as the priority of politicians seems more ideological than issues driven today.
World's Financial Elite Ignoring Thousands Of Years Of History
The world’s financial elite ignore thousands of years of history that proves money printing never works, and everyone celebrates every round of quantitative easing with new market highs. The era of quantitative easing has spawned an extraordinary financial bubble that shares the same characteristics as the housing bubble whose origins began with the same central banks determined to give everyone a house. This bubble, like others will end badly.
Despite signs of growth, the Fed seems to be keeping yields at less than one percent and the divide between American and European rates is at the widest since the seventies. Germany’s bunds currently yield 0.10 percent, and only Greece has a higher yield than the US. Risk has been mispriced as money flooded into the dollar. No longer is there a risk premium for moral hazard. Meantime, the over-indebted global economy is stuck in neutral despite the unprecedented financial engineering by central banks that created a huge global asset bubble.
The resulting currency war already claimed its first casualty when the Swiss removed their currency cap in January. We believe this disconnect between rates and the economy is the product of the central bank’s ironclad control of the economy. Furthermore, the Fed has yet to exit from its unconventional monetary policy which included an era of cheap and abundant dollar liquidity through trillions of bond purchases after more than six years of near-zero interest rates. This cannot last, and because of the mounting deficits of the last few years, America’s net debt has exploded to 100 percent of GDP..."


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