Sunday, February 5, 2012

Iran Bracing For War? – OpEd

"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Friday that as of March 2012, Tehran will increase its military spending by more than two-fold. Meanwhile, US strategic bombers have already been deployed in Qatar in a sign that a military operation of Western countries and Israel against Iran may be on cards. Its regional and global repercussions will be unpredictable, experts warn.
The United States and its allies continue to dispatch troops and military hardware to the Gulf region. More servicemen have been deployed to the Omani island of Masirah where a US military base is operating. Additionally, more than 10,000 US soldiers have been stationed in Israel to test this Middle Eastern country’s missile defense system. Another 15,000 US servicemen have been based in Kuwait.
Hundreds of concrete-piercing bombs have been supplied to a US military base on the Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, and two US aircraft carrier battle groups are currently on a mission in the Gulf. They are expected to be strengthened by one more aircraft carrier, the Annapolis nuclear-powered submarine and the Momsen destroyer. A US military base in Qatar already sees the stationing of several bombers, cargo planes and long-range drones. In the meantime, France and Britain have also dispatched their troops to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.
All this indicates the US’ and Israel’s readiness to use force against Iran, believes Professor Sergei Druzhilovsky of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations..."
