"One of the populist buzzwords of the past 5 years, particularly in Europe,
has been "austerity", which as we have said for the roughly the same
past 5 years, is simply a synonym for "deleveraging" but one which carries just
the right amount of negative connotations, and is used by crafty politicians to
shift blame from their own failure to enact proper policy (which over the past
30 years has merely meant to borrow growth from future political cycles, aka,
issue debt) onto a "technical" word conceived by Ph.D.-clad economists,
who too, are looking for a passive victim on which to project their failure of
enacting a voodoo economic theory. There is one problem with all of the above.
As we have also been saying for the past five years, the austerity deleveraging myth is
one big lie. We are setting the record straight below with
facts and figures. We would be delighted if some politician, somewhere, could
disprove these facts, which essentially imply that the world is now in a global
recession, having experienced no growth as the recent 100% contractionary PMI
print of all major economies confirms, yet without any country actually having
implemented austerity, pardon deleveraging to have at least a modest
justification for this failure of growth.
Finally, this article proves that the European chorus screaming for "growth"
when everyone knows it demands merely more of the same drug - debt - is
100% wrong, and that while the underlying causes of "growth" are there, the only
thing missing are the symptoms. DB's Jim Reid provides the charts and facts:
Figure 37 shows the combined Debt to GDP of the EU-12 (excluding Luxembourg),
the US, UK, Japan and Australia. This debt includes Governments, Financials,
Corporates and Households. Ireland’s small economy and large financial system
(domestic and foreign), ensures an outsized reading which we cut off in the
Figure 38 then shows; 1) how this ratio has changed from the end of 2007 to
the end of 2011; 2) what the trend was in the 1-year to the end of 2011 to see
momentum; and 3) where the ratio is from the peak point. The data is represented
in percentage point moves.
As can be seen, only the US and Australia have seen their overall economy
Debt to GDP fall since the end of 2007 and for both these the fall is
negligible. The US has gone from around 348% to 345% on this measure. From the
peak the US has fallen from the 366% seen in 2009 and the 353% seen in 2010 but
few other countries are seeing their debt/gdp ratio move in the right direction.
Many are currently at their peak overall economy wide leverage number and as
already discussed when looked at from the start of the crisis all but the US and
Australia have seen this ratio rise. Interestingly as we’ll see below Australia
and the US have still seen debt rise but Nominal GDP has risen by a higher
amount, thus helping them see leverage ratios decline slightly. It shows how
important growth and inflation are if you want to delever.
Deleveraging problems from both the debt and growth side
The deleveraging problem comes from both sides. As we saw in Figure 36 in the
previous section, growth has struggled to eclipse its peak levels across a
number of countries with only inflation allowing many to surpass their peak
activity levels. In terms of debt, Figure 39 shows the growth of an index of
economy wide liabilities from our DW sample rebased at 100 at the end of 2007.
We have gone back as far as the full data starts for each country.
Figure 40 then shows a simple un-weighted average and median of this basket
and shows that debt is still increasing in the developed world.
at http://www.zerohedge.com/news/five-years-great-financial-crisis-no-growth-no-deleveraging
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