Monday, September 10, 2012

Gerald Celente - Gold, Silver & A Major October Surprise

"Today top trends forecaster Gerald Celente told King World News, “They (central planners) are going to destroy the money, and they are going to do everything to try to keep the gold and silver markets down.” Celente warned about a major “October surprise.” He cautioned, Anything could happen at any time. There are a lot of wild cards, and in a wild card environment like this, I want gold and I want silver ... on Friday, I just bought (gold) again.”

Celente is the founder of Trends Research, and the man many consider to be the top trends forecaster in the world. Here is what Celente had to say: “What’s shaking out is that the European Central Bank, in their arcane language, has basically said, ‘We are going to buy up all of the worthless sovereign debt that Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, and any other country in the eurozone that gets in trouble, we will continue to buy up that worthless debt.’ Now where are you going to get the money?”

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